Last Updated on August 25, 2024 by Corynn
Happy holidays! And congratulations on your pregnancy!
During the holidays it can be such a challenging ( but also the best time) to be pregnant. You have Thanksgiving to Christmas to prepare for, including lots of birthdays in between.
I am having trouble figuring out how to navigate the holidays while pregnant. Below I have broken down each trimester and discussed any tips and things you can do to have a smooth pregnancy during the holiday season.
How Can I Get Through The Holidays While Pregnant?
Down below you can select which trimester you want to learn more about:
Christmas While Pregnant: First Trimester
I find that the first trimester may be hard because not a lot of people know and it’s usually one of the hardest trimesters for women. You’re dealing with fatigue, nausea, and so much more.
Here are some tips that you can follow during the holidays within your first trimester:
1. Always Have Access To Water!
Always have access to water. This could be in a fancy water bottle you bring with you or asking for a water bottle from the host.
2. If you Can’t Make The Event, Don’t Feel Bad
If you don’t feel up to going or have been throwing up all day then you may have to cancel at the last minute. I know it sucks to miss out on things but you also don’t want to be stuck in the bathroom the entire time, do you?
When you announce your pregnancy I’m sure the host would be more than understanding as to why you couldn’t make it.
3. Pack Mint Gum and Ginger Candy
One thing with Thanksgiving is you’re going to smell a lot of different things. And nausea can creep up randomly.
Your aunt’s famous lasagna may make you sick to your stomach because of your morning sickness.
Mint and ginger are two of the best ways to help relieve your morning sickness. Don’t feel like chewing gum? Just smell it! It helps so much with minimizing the nausea.
4. Eat Something Before You Leave The House
If your family is anything like my family, dinner is never served at the time they say dinner will be served. Sometimes you’ll be sitting there waiting for hours for dinner to be ready. In your first trimester or even any of your trimester, you should not be starving yourself!!!
Grab a light meal or even pack a snack with you. Keeping yourself hungry will lead to major morning sickness and potentially vomiting.
5. Have a List of Excuses on Hand on Why You Can’t Drink
My in-laws love to drink and being pregnant you can drink at all. So now it’s time to come up with a list of excuses on why you can’t drink;
- you on a fitness challenge that tells you no alcohol
- You have a blood test in the morning and you cannot drink any alcohol for 12-24 hours
- Alcohol gives you headaches (which is very true! Actually, it happens to me!)
- You need to eat something first before you drink anything
6. Make Sure to Have Your Partner By Your Side
Pregnancy anxiety is a real thing and you want to make sure your one and only support is by your side. Your partner. They’re the only ones in that room who know that you are pregnant ( unless you told other people). If you need food, then they can get you some, if they need to down a shot for you then they have to be by your side to do it.
If your partner is not close by, Create a signal. So they know once they see that signal (facial expression or text) they need to come by your side ASAP.
7. Refrain From Cooking Anything.
If you tend to make something for Thanksgiving or Christmas. You may have to step down from doing it if smells bother you.
You don’t want to be heaving over a tray of mashed potatoes or a baked Mac and cheese.
You can order from a restaurant or teach your partner how to make it. This is not the time to push yourself!
Holidays While Pregnant: Second Trimester
With the second trimester, most of your family and friends know and a lot of your symptoms have started subsiding by now. Here are some tips to survive the holiday season in your second trimester:
1. Set boundaries on Questions and Opinions
Once people know about your being pregnant you’re going to hear a lot of opinions and questions to be asked.
You’re allowed to refrain from answering questions and remember to be assertive! Everybody has an opinion and you have the right to walk away from a conversation.
2. Pack Some Snacks With You
Similar to the first trimester, always have snacks on hand with you. Sometimes dinner takes a while to prepare and you don’t want to be left starving!
3. Use The Holidays To Share The News With Family
The holidays are a great time for family to get together and also to announce your pregnancy!
You can get creative with your partner or just make a big announcement.
4. You Still Have To Slow Down
Entering into your second trimester you’re going to start gaining your energy back. However, now isn’t the time to hover over the stove and cook a 5-hour Thanksgiving meal.
Remember to ask for help or maybe skip out this year on helping make a dish.
This also includes being booked up each weekend. Keep one weekend open to give yourself some time to rest and recover.
5. Try Not To Get Sick
Being sick is terrible but being sick while pregnant SUCKS!! Trust me, while I was pregnant I found myself sick right after the holiday season and it was so brutal I had to go be admitted to the hospital
You can’t take anything and you just have to ride the wave. Remember to wash your hands and keep your distance. If you find out someone is sick and still attending the same event you’re going. Don’t go. It’s not worth getting yourself sick!!
6. Take Advantage of The New Pregnancy Appitete
I was so lucky that my 2nd trimester fell close to Christmas. My morning sickness was (kind of) gone and my appetite was back. However, the best part was I was able to eat so much without feeling bloated and my allergies were non-existent.
Take advantage during the holiday season and eat your heart out. Go back for seconds if you can! I highly suggest watching out for how much sugar you eat due to gestational diabetes.
Holidays While Pregnant: Third Trimester
You’re at the home stretch and not much in the mood to be all festive and jolly. Here are some things you can do to make your third trimester easier during the holiday season.
1. Look Into Keeping The Hospital Bag In The Car.
Just because your due date is close doesn’t mean you’re stuck on house arrest. Remember to pack your hospital bag and keep it inside the car. Always be prepared for emergencies.
Prevent having to go home if your water breaks. Also, make sure your birthing partner has your midwife/doula and the hospital you will be giving birth to in their contacts. It helps so much when you have contractions and are not able to speak.
2. If you’re not up to going to an event, don’t push yourself
Your third trimester is when it becomes difficult to get things done, and to go places. Similar to your first trimester; don’t force yourself to go anywhere you’re not comfortable.
If you decide that you don’t want to sit in a car ride for over an hour then so be it. This year Christmas can be chill with you and your partner. It’s going to be the last one you both have together before the little one arrives.
3. Don’t Feel Bad For Leaving Early
My family loves to party until the late hours of the night. However, when you’re tired you can always call it a night.
Pregnancy fatigue hits way harder than regular fatigue. If your partner is not ready to leave and you’re okay staying. Find a place to take a quick nap. Surprisingly, people are very accommodating to those that are pregnant.
4. If you Have Gestational Diabetes, Be Careful About What You Eat.
Gestational diabetes is something we can’t play around with. It’s very disappointing that you can’t have many desserts during the holidays.
Make sure to let your family/host know your dietary restrictions. Just so you are careful with your sugar intake.
5. Rest as Much as You Can!
This is not the time to be slaving over the kitchen and making dinner for your family and friends. Try to rest as much as you can. During this trimester the fatigue will be coming back, and you may have sciatica pain, and feel a little discomfort from your growing belly.
6. Find a Cute But Comfy Outfit To Wear
Take the chance to leave your heels at home and grab those flats. You want to be as comfortable as possible at festive events. This means wearing a dress that you can lounge in or wearing a pair of leggings to go with a cute top.
TIP: If you’re going over to a family member’s house, pack your house slippers!
7. Delegate as Much as Possible
I once heard a story of a mom of 2 rushing around getting ready for Christmas and her water broke at the store. Literally at the store!
This is your sign to delegate tasks as much as possible. Have your husband do the Christmas shopping this year. Look into ordering groceries online. Have your meals professionally done.
You want to try and be off your feet and reduce your stress as much as possible.
What To Eat At Christmas When Pregnant?
Here is a list of foods we SHOULD NOT eat during the holidays;
- cold meat
- Soft cheese
- Alcohol
- Unwashed fruit and vegetables
- Food with lots of sugar
Plus the list of foods you don’t eat already because of your food aversion. I highly suggest creating a list for both you and your partner to have on your phones whenever you’re at events.
This helps your husband when he’s fixing you a plate and also when people ask you questions about what you can and cannot eat.
With the holidays being all busy and stressful, Remember to be kind to yourself! You’re growing an entire human after all.
Now isn’t the time to do everything all by yourself. Remember to delegate and ask for help. Your body and baby will thank you!