Last Updated on March 10, 2023 by Corynn
long distance relationships can be a hassle. You have to deal with different time zones, scheduling time to see each other, plus being able to live your own life! Although if you love each other and see your relationship lasting. Long distance relationships can work!
My fiance and I dealt with a long-distance relationship in the last year of high school. Now we’re only an hour away from each other but we see each other every other week due to work schedules, transportation, etc.

Can a Long Distance Relationship Work?
Yes, a long-distance relationship can work for you and your partner. But you need to be able to put in the efforts of keeping the relationship alive. Here are 15 Tips on how to make your long-distance relationship work.
1. Develop Great Communication in Your Relationship
Without proper communication in the relationship, It won’t last long. Find ways on how to communicate with each other while being far away. You can use video chat, phone calls, texting, social media.
If you have a problem, solve it. Did he say something weird? Mention it. Talk about how your day went, your family, something you ate. Honestly
2. Plan Trips To See Each Other
With our busy work schedules, my boyfriend and I aim to see each other every 2-3 weeks. You can’t always talk over the phone or via FaceTime.
You have to make time to see each other. Even if it is for a week, a weekend, or even a day.
3. Come up With an End Date
Not to end the relationship but end the distance between each other. A long-distance relationship can only go so far.
Begin planning together when you will end the distance and come together. Will your partner move closer? Will you move closer to them? Or will you both move in together?
4. Enjoy This Time Apart From Each Other
You learn more about yourself when you’re alone. Find a hobby, go out with your friends, spend some quality time with your family. Don’t use every waking time that you have calling your boyfriend, texting them, or being sad that they’re not around.
5. Text Each Other Morning and Good Night
Text each other good morning and goodnight, it let them know that you’re thinking about them, and plus it must put a smile on their face each day.
6. Know Their Schedule
Knowing my fiance’s schedule helps with knowing when not to call, or when I want to send a pick-me-up text to him. Share each other’s work and class schedules. It shows you both know where each person is.

7. Host Virtual Dates
Dating in a long-distance relationship is hard. Although going on dates is critical. Pick a day where you can set up a time to go on a virtual date. Some ideas are, virtual paint night, watching a movie together, eat a meal together, play games online, and so much more! Help keep the spark alive in the relationship.
8. Set Expectations
Before this relationship can go on any further, set some expectations. Most of the time you will be away from each other and going back to Tip #1, communication is key. Take a moment to come up with some expectations you both have for your relationship.
For example, are we allowed to date other people, what happens when one person wants a break? Those are the type of conversations you should be having with your partner before going ahead with your relationship.
9. Be Committed
You need to be committed if you want to make this relationship work. With commitment, everything will fall into place.
10. Be Positive
Always thinking about the negative aspects of the relationship will hurt both you and your partner. Staying positive during this time apart will make it easier.

11. Plan your Future Together
This is a must! Plan vacations together, moving in together and if you think they are the one then possibly marriage.
Planning the future will help keep the spark alive and get you excited for what is coming.
12. Give Each Other Gifts
Sometimes waiting until Christmas, Birthdays or even Valentine’s day can be such a long wait to give each other a present. Why not send a care package?
If your boyfriend is in college why not send him his favorite snacks, some tide pods, or even “Open Me When..” letters.
This doesn’t have to happen all the time, just every once in a while.
13. Avoid Excessive Communication
A couple of years back I noticed my fiance and I would just sit on the phone and wouldn’t say anything. I would hear him play video games and I would just binge-watch a show on Netflix. We finally decided to not call each other every day, and that helped so much with our conversations. We had things to tell each other!
If you notice the conversation is getting dull, try calling each other every other day or even stretch it out to every two days. You can still text each other every day, but you never want your conversation to be forced.
14. Keep Each Other Updated on Life, Friends, and Family
When my fiance and I were dating, we would update each other on any life events, how friends and family were doing. Sometimes our family would just onto the screen and say hello. So when we saw each other in person we already knew what was going on in each other’s lives.
15. Don’t Lose Sight of Who You Are
Keep going out with your friends, focus on growing yourself. Do not let your relationship consume your daily life. Send a quick text to check up on him, schedule date nights. Although at the same time, catch up with friends, and do things that you love.
Back then my fiance and I were doing long distances. We may sure to do things we loved, hung out with friends and family. We never allowed our relationship to overcome us. At the end of the day were are individuals who chose to be together.
I hope you found this post helpful! Comment down below for any tips or even experience you have with long-distance dating.
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